Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hair Transplant Travel Patient from California

Our patient yesterday was a highly educated Professor who flew in from Southern California. The Professor did extensive research and went to many consultations including Drs. Ziering, Armani, Sword and Rasmussen. Pretty big names in our business. What an honor that the Professor chose us. I asked why he chose us and he replied that we seemed more direct, personal, honest and the results looked extraordinary.
The Professor took the Redeye non-stop into Fort Lauderdale Airport and I picked him up at 8:00 am and brought him to our facility 10 minutes from the airport for his 9:00 am surgery. The Professor met Dr. Bolton and they mapped out the plan for the day. While he was having his procedure I went next door and picked up his pain medication in case he had some discomfort in the next few days. The procedure got underway by 10:00 am and was finished before 1:30. I brought the professor to his beautiful beach front hotel where he could relax and enjoy the rest of his day.
I spoke to the Professor today and he is fine, he had some questions on how to wash and shampoo his scalp. I told him he should use a bit of ice for the next few days if possible to limit potential swelling to the forehead and to take the pain medication before bed to ensure a good night sleep. Also to use a travel pillow to help take the pressure off of laying on his suture line. I will probably stop by the Hotel later just to reassure the Professor everything is perfect.
The Professor was able to get away for a few days, stay in an oceanfront 5 star hotel, have an exclusive procedure with a world class doctor who gets the best one procedure results in his field, bar none, and save a few thousand dollars from what the other docs would have charged him.

1 comment:

  1. Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up
    Hair Removal
