Wednesday, June 8, 2011

British Soccer Star has Hair Restoration Procedure

Wayne Rooney a soccer player from the UK made the news the last few days because he went public and tweeted about his hair transplant.
The headlines says he paid 30,000 pounds (US $50,000) for a procedure that covered just the frontal 1/3 portion of his balding area. It is absurd to pay that much for so little hair. It says in the article he had the procedure over a two day span. Two days for maybe 2,000 hairs? The article also mentioned it is a two step process requiring him to repeat shortly.
This is the latest hype to plague the hair restoration field. First, it was lasers to make recepient sites, then PRP, A Cell, and now FUE. FUE will also follow in the footsteps of these aforementioned "breakthroughs". FUE is great for a doctor who puts his revenue and ability to market ahead of a patients comfort, budget and results. FUE is limited due to the extraction method. The FUE method is time consuming and to pull one follicle out at a time and hope it is not damaged is unethical. This can take a few days to get a yield that Dr. Bolton can exceed in 15 minutes. Dr. Bolton delivers 2-3 times more hair and his procedures are less then 5 hours. FUE also limits the size of the grafts to mainly one and two hairs thus limiting density.
My guess is Mr. Rooney got his procedure gratis in exchange for the publicity for the clinic. It is nice to see a high profile person go public but unfortunately his choice of procedure(FUE) will be doing many people a disservice in that they will overpay, go through needless discomfort and get a limited result. People are attracted to this procedure because it is touted as a scarless procedure. There is no such thing and you are starting to see a good number of people on the internet searching how to fix their scarless scars. Please see Dr. Bolton's and you will see at least 30 examples of his patients donor scars that are undetectable. Click on the home page and select what does a donor scar look like? Why pay more then double for less hair and less results?


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